Fastsailing “Train & Race”:

The best way to improve your sailing skills

For those who wish to improve their sailing skills, we regularly organize special training sessions on our super fast boats with world-class skippers. Courses focus among others on offshore sailing, meteorology, racing tactics, regulations, solo or double handed sailing and are designed so that everyone improves from his own level.

Upon request, we can organize a “train & race” session, specifically adapted for your group at any period of the year.

Here is the list of upcoming events. Click on the course title for more details.

Title Dates Boat(s) Skipper(s) What’s in the plan Required level Cost
        Offshore sailing Regatta training Solo / Double Handed Race    
Lorient -> La Grande Motte 10/03 -> 24/03/2024 ORC57 Christian Prie       Middle and above 5,000€ per person
Train & Race March 2024

Arrival: Saturday 16/03/2024


Option 1: Sunday 24/03/2024

Option 2: Tuesday 26/03/2024

2 x Pogo44

2 x Pogo12,50


Pietro D’Ali

Benoit Charon

Charly Fernbach

Andrea Caracci

Andreas Lindlahr

Alexandros Dragoutsis

  Middle and above 1,500€ per person
La Grande Motte -> Lavrio 08/04 -> 22/04/2024 ORC57 Christian Prie       Middle and above 10,000€ for one cabin (two passengers)
Aegean 600







Pietro D’Ali

Benoit Charon

Charly Fernbach

Andrea Caracci

Andreas Lindlahr

Alexandros Dragoutsis



Experienced Upon request
Lavrio -> La Grande Motte  Arrival: 23/09/2024


La Grande Motte

ORC57 Christian Prie       Middle and above 2,450€ per person per week
Middle Sea Race October 2024

Arrival: 12/10/2024

Departure from Lavrio, Greece: 13/10/2024

Departure from Malta: 26/10/2024

(only for a complete crew for at least 6 people)
 Pietro D’Ali   Experienced

upon request for Pogo50


Hydra race

October 2024

Arrival: Saturday 19/10/2024


Option 1: Sunday 27/10/2024

Option 2: Tuesday 29/10/2024




Charly Fernbach

Alexandros Dragoutsis

  Middle and above 1,500€ per person
La Grande Motte -> Gibraltar 26/10 – 06/11/2024 ORC57 Christian Prie       Middle and above 1,950€ per person
Gibraltar -> Las Palmas  07 – 17/11/2024 ORC57 Christian Prie       Middle and above 1,450€ per person
Train & Race November 2024

Arrival: Saturday 09/11/2024

Departure: Sunday 17/11/2024

3 x Pogo12,50

2 x  Pogo44


Pietro D’Ali

Benoit Charon

Charly Fernbach

Andrea Caracci

Alexandros Dragoutsis

  Middle and above 1,500€ per person
Las Palmas  -> St Lucia 24/11 – 08/12/2024 ORC57 Christian Prie       Middle and above 7,950€ per person
 Solo/double handed training upon request





Pietro D’Ali  √  √  Experienced upon request


Exceptional FastSailing experiences in Greece

More wind, more sun, more fun than anywhere else in the world!

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Offhore/Train & Race” course 16-24 March 2024 (extension till 26/March free of charge)


Experience non-stop sailing in true offshore conditions, train and race the Hydra regatta. 7 (or even 9) days of super (and fast) sailing on our Pogo44s and Pogo12.50s!

When: 16-24 March 2024 with the possibility to extend till 26/March/2024

Saturday March 16th: Arrival in our base in Lavrio
March 17th – March 22nd:
2 days of non-stop navigation.
5 nights at port
3 full days of training around the Cyclades.
Afternoon theory courses (tactics, weather, rules)
Option No1:
Saturday March 23rd
 at 16:00: Hydra Regatta leg 1,  36nm ,
Sunday March 24th  Return to Athens by ferry
Option No2:
Saturday March 23rd at 16:00: Hydra Regatta leg 1,  36nm
Monday morning March 25th: 10:00: Hydra Regatta leg 2,  36nm
Tuesday morning March 26th: Departure

There is no price difference for Option 1 or Option 2.

Skippers:  Pietro D’Ali,  Benoît Charon, Charly Fernbach, Αndrea Caracci, Andreas Lindlahr, Alexandros Dragoutsis

Boats: Pogo12.50s, Pogo50, Pogo44

Language: English

Price: 1.500€ per person (all included except food and drinks)

Palmarès of our skippers: 

Benoît Charon

– FFV Responsable Secteur Manche
– Figaro Racer & Trainer
– Twice European Champion J24
– French Offshore Champion
– 2nd European Championship Farr30
– Multiple Tours de France, ARCs, Melges24…


Pietro D’Ali
– Whitbread Round the World 93/94
– European Champion Star 1993
– Americas Cup Prada Team 2000
– Sydney Olympics Star 2000
– Transat AG2R 2006 1st (with Kito de Pavant)
– Transat Jacques Vabre 2007 1st (with Giovanni Soldini)
– Transat La Solidaire du Chocolat 2009 2nd (with Giovanni Soldini)
– Roma x2 2012 1st (with Michele Galli)
– Transat Jacques Vabre 2013 (with Stefano Raspadori)

Charly Fernbach
– Minitransat 2015 4th overall and 3rd in the 1st leg
– 2015 Archipelago 6,50 (with Benoît Hantzperg), 2nd
– Dipl. Institut Nautique de Bretagne – Professional skipper
– Sales manager at Pogo Structures

Andrea Caracci

– Αeronautical engineer specialized in composites materials, designer, consultant and surveyor.
– Olympic 470 sailor,
– Navigator on Maxis: Sydney Hobart, Fastnet,  Newport Bermuda, Middle Sea Race, RORC 600, RORC Transatlantic
– Six Minitransat campaigns on a prototype mini: 2003 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011 in 2010
– 3rd in Sables Les Acores Les sables race
– Transquadra in 2011/2012
– Overall 30.000 miles of solo sailing, 20.000 of them in Atlantic Ocean.

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ORC57 programme 2024

The ORC57 Avel Vaez was launched in January and was doing sea trials in Lorient!

Join us in one of the following offshore cruising trips:

1. Lorient -> La Grande Motte 10 – 24/March/2024. Cost 5,000€/person. (up to 4 persons)
2. La Grande Motte -> Lavrio 08 – 22/April/2024. One cabin available (up to 2 persons) with cost 10,000€.
3. Lavrio -> La Grande Motte 23/September – 03/October. Cost 2,450€/person/week.
4. La Grande Motte -> Gibraltar 26/October – 06/November. Cost 1,950€/person.
3. Gibraltar-> Las Palmas 07 – 17/November/2024. Cost 1,450€/person.
4. Las Palmas -> St Lucia 24/November – 08/December. Cost 7,950€/person.

The ORC57 will be available in Greece for charter with her permanent crew of skipper and hostess for the period April – October/2024.


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Aegean 600 Race

A tough NON-STOP 660nm race around the Aegean Sea, that is set to become a reference in the Mediterranean.

The starting line will be in Cape Sounio. Boats will then sail to Santorini, passing within the volcano Caldera, then leaving Kasos, Karpathos and Rodos to port, they will slalom up the Dodecanese islands till Agathonissi. Then leaving Patmos to port, they will head west towards the obligatory passage between Delos and Mykonos. After leaving Kea to port , they head to the finish line in Cape Sounio.

Boats available: First36, Pogo12.50, Pogo44, Pogo50, Outremer4x

Our boats are well suited and fully equipped for such long distance racing offering exhilarating speeds but also an excellent level of comfort.


Suturday June 29th: Arrival at Olympic Marina Lavrio

Sunday June 30th– Thursday June 4th: Training

Friday June 5th – Saturday June 6th: Final boat preparation

Sunday July 7th: Start of the Aegean 600, from Cape Sounio
Friday July 12th:  Limit for boats to be back in Olympic Marina Lavrio
Saturday July 13th:  Morning: disembarkation. Afternoon: Prize giving ceremony and Party (location to be announced)

You may participate with your own crew and race with one of our skippers.


  • Upon request

A race to remember!

Reservations: [email protected]





Join us on a Pogo50 for the Rolex Middle Sea Race in October 202

If you have a crew of at least 6 persons and you want to race in one of the worlds’ most prestigious offshore races, you can charter one of our Pogo50 or the First53 . We supply a super experienced professional skipper and -if needed- a co-skipper.

Organized by the Royal Offshore Racing Club, this 608nm non-stop real offshore race starting and ending in Malta, stands as one of the offshore classics, together with the Fastnet, the Newport-Bermuda and the Sydney-Hobart.

Our boats are well suited and fully equipped for such long distance racing offering exhilarating speeds but also an excellent level of comfort. In the very tough 2017 edition, when only 35 out 105 boats finished the race, our Pogo50 came 3rd in ORC2 and without damages!

When:         12 – 29 October 2023, 16 days of amazing sailing!


Saturday 12 October: Arrival in our base in Lavrio
13-16 October: 525nm transfer Lavrio – Malta
17-18 October: Training
Saturday 19 October: 608nm Race starts
Saturday 26 October: Prize Ceremony & Party
27 – 29/October: Return to Lavrio, Greece

Crews may stay until 2/Nov and sail around in the Cyclades
(the 525nm return trip is not mandatory, you may leave from Malta after the race ends)


Skipper:      Pietro D’Ali,  Michael Radermacher

– Pogo50 (max 9 participants+Skipper, total crew of 10)

Language:  English

Price:         upon request


Palmarès of our skippers:                                                                                                                                                                                          


Pietro D’Ali:
– Whitbread Round the World 93/94
– European Champion Star 1993
– Americas Cup Prada Team 2000
– Sydney Olympics Star 2000
– Transat AG2R 2006 1st (with Kito de Pavant)
– Transat Jacques Vabre 2007 1st (with Giovanni Soldini)
– Transat La Solidaire du Chocolat 2009 2nd (with Giovanni Soldini)
– Roma x2 2012 1st (with Michele Galli)
– Transat Jacques Vabre 2013 (with Stefano Raspadori)


For more information contact us at [email protected]


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Hydra Race” 19-27 October 2024 (extension till 29/March free of charge)

Saturday October 19th: Arrival in our base in Lavrio
6 full days of training around the Cyclades.
Afternoon theory courses (tactics, weather, rules)
Saturday October 26th at 10:00: Hydra Regatta leg 1,  36nm
Option No1:
Sunday October 27th  Return to Athens by ferry (for those who need to catch a flight back home)
Option No2:
Sunday October 27th : Relaxing in Hydra (bars, tavernas…)
Monday October 28th: 10:00: Hydra Regatta leg 2,  36nm. Return to our base in Lavrio ~23:00
Tuesday morning October 29th: Departure

There is no price difference for Option 1 or Option 2.

Skippers:  Pietro D’Ali ,  Benoît Charon, Andrea Caracci, Charly Fernbach

Boat: Solaris40

Language: English

Price: 1500€ per person (all included except food and drinks)

Palmarès of our skippers: 

Pietro D’Ali

– Whitbread Round the World 93/94
– European Champion Star 1993
– Americas Cup Prada Team 2000
– Sydney Olympics Star 2000
– Transat AG2R 2006 1st (with Kito de Pavant)
– Transat Jacques Vabre 2007 1st (with Giovanni Soldini)
– Transat La Solidaire du Chocolat 2009 2nd (with Giovanni Soldini)
– Roma x2 2012 1st (with Michele Galli)
– Transat Jacques Vabre 2013 (with Stefano Raspadori)


Benoît Charon

– FFV Responsable Secteur Manche
– Figaro Racer & Trainer
– Twice European Champion J24
– French Offshore Champion
– 2nd European Championship Farr30
– Multiple Tours de France, ARCs, Melges24…

Charly Fernbach
– Minitransat 2015 4th overall and 3rd in the 1st leg
– 2015 Archipelago 6,50 (with Benoît Hantzperg), 2nd
– Dipl. Institut Nautique de Bretagne – Professional skipper
– Sales manager at Pogo Structures

Andrea Caracci

– Αeronautical engineer specialized in composites materials, designer, consultant and surveyor.
– Olympic 470 sailor,
– Navigator on Maxis: Sydney Hobart, Fastnet,  Newport Bermuda, Middle Sea Race, RORC 600, RORC Transatlantic
– Six Minitransat campaigns on a prototype mini: 2003 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011 in 2010
– 3rd in Sables Les Acores Les sables race
– Transquadra in 2011/2012
– Overall 30.000 miles of solo sailing, 20.000 of them in Atlantic Ocean.


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Offhore/Train & Race” course 1-17 November 2024


Experience non-stop sailing in true offshore conditions, train and race a regatta. 7 days of super (and fast) sailing on our Pogo12.50s!

When: 9-17 November 2024

Programme: Satruday November 9th Arrival in our base in Lavrio

November 10th: 1 day of navigation in the Cyclades.

November 11-12: 2 days of non-stop navigation.

November 13-15:  3 full days of training around the Cyclades. Afternoon theory courses (tactics, weather, rules)

November 16th: DEI Regatta 20nm in Faliro Bay. Return to base

Sunday morning November 17th. Departure

Skippers:  Pietro D’Ali ,  Benoît Charon, Charly Fernbach, Andreas Linlahr, Alexandros Dragoutsis

Boats: Pogo12.50s , Pogo44s, Pogo50

Language: English

Price: 1500€ per person (all included except food and drinks)

Palmarès of our skippers: 

Pietro D’Ali

– Whitbread Round the World 93/94
– European Champion Star 1993
– Americas Cup Prada Team 2000
– Sydney Olympics Star 2000
– Transat AG2R 2006 1st (with Kito de Pavant)
– Transat Jacques Vabre 2007 1st (with Giovanni Soldini)
– Transat La Solidaire du Chocolat 2009 2nd (with Giovanni Soldini)
– Roma x2 2012 1st (with Michele Galli)
– Transat Jacques Vabre 2013 (with Stefano Raspadori)


Benoît Charon

– FFV Responsable Secteur Manche
– Figaro Racer & Trainer
– Twice European Champion J24
– French Offshore Champion
– 2nd European Championship Farr30
– Multiple Tours de France, ARCs, Melges24…

Charly Fernbach
– Minitransat 2015 4th overall and 3rd in the 1st leg
– 2015 Archipelago 6,50 (with Benoît Hantzperg), 2nd
– Dipl. Institut Nautique de Bretagne – Professional skipper
– Sales manager at Pogo Structures

Andrea Caracci

– Αeronautical engineer specialized in composites materials, designer, consultant and surveyor.
– Olympic 470 sailor,
– Navigator on Maxis: Sydney Hobart, Fastnet,  Newport Bermuda, Middle Sea Race, RORC 600, RORC Transatlantic
– Six Minitransat campaigns on a prototype mini: 2003 2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011 in 2010
– 3rd in Sables Les Acores Les sables race
– Transquadra in 2011/2012
– Overall 30.000 miles of solo sailing, 20.000 of them in Atlantic Ocean.



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Solo & Double handed sailing” course









Learn the demanding techniques of solo or doubled sailing with those who have in-depth knowledge and tremendous experience in short handed sailing. Our Pogos are specifically designed for short handed sailing and offer an ideal platform for the solo sailing passionate sailors!

Contact us directly and we will plan a course tailor-made to your specific needs.


Skippers: Benoît Charon and Pietro D’Ali
Boats: Pogo12.50s (max 5 participants per boat). Up to 4 boats
Language: English
Price: 1250€ per person (all included except food and drinks)

Palmarès of our skippers:

Benoît Charon
– FFV Responsable Secteur Manche
– Figaro Racer & Trainer
– Twice European Champion J24
– French Offshore Champion
– 2nd European Championship Farr30
– Multiple Tours de France, ARCs, Melges24…

Pietro D’Ali
– Whitbread Round the World 93/94
– European Champion Star 1993
– Americas Cup Prada Team 2000
– Sydney Olympics Star 2000
– Transat AG2R 2006 1st (with Kito de Pavant)
– Transat Jacques Vabre 2007 1st (with Giovanni Soldini)
– Transat La Solidaire du Chocolat 2009 2nd (with Giovanni Soldini)
– Roma x2 2012 1st (with Michele Galli)
– Transat Jacques Vabre 2013 (with Stefano Raspadori)


Exceptional FastSailing experiences in Greece

More wind, more sun, more fun than anywhere else in the world!